Wecome, it's us!

Welcome to our little blog.

As an introduction, we are Jia Xin and Fion, medical graduates from USM  in 2016 far up in Kelantan . WE love to cook, bake and we're up for anything that spells adventure *squeals*

Don't be surprised if there are more our versions of recipe in here than medical based blabbering instead. pff~ We are stil newbies and definitely, do comment if there is anything you would like to ask, discuss and do correct us if there is any mistakes at all. We are open to any suggestions. There is no end to learning in medicine, and we hope to learn from you guys too!

Hitting 25 this year and believing or not, trying our best to face the quarter life crisis, hoping all is rainbows and unicorn but yet throw ourselves out in the wild world knowing whatever it becomes, it will definitely be a risk worth taking, an adventure worth living.

~ J&Fi ~


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